I hope everyone had a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend. It was a big one this year! We saw far more people in town for the holiday than expected, and our staff did an amazing job of serving everyone’s needs, all with a smile and holding joy for the work they do. I understand this isn’t always possible, but it warms my heart when I see it, along with all the customers that show patience and gratitude. We don’t run like the corporate giants, but we work hard and give love.
The market was built by this community and has kept going with your continued support, along with hardworking staff and volunteers. What the co-op provides goes way beyond what the chain stores and online marketplaces are capable of. Knowing this it’s still easy to take the market for granted, like so many great businesses that have come and gone, but remember: your support can make all the difference. We’re celebrating a strong start to the summer season while keeping in mind that it’s members like you that shop with us throughout the year that keep us going.
Natalie Cortese, General Manager